Woody Creek Distillers Vodka

Style: Copper reflux still distilled once
Age: No age statement
Proof: 80 (40% ABV)
Region: Basalt, Colorado, USA

Basalt, Colorado is situated at the confluence site of the Roaring Fork and Frying Pan Rivers. With its high altitude, fertile soil, clean mountain air, and pure mountain spring water, this prime location has allowed the distillers at Woody Creek Distillery to use some of the world’s highest quality ingredients in their portfolio of spirits – ranging from 100% rye whisky to potato-based vodka – since opening their doors in 2012.

Woody Creek Distillers are committed to staying true to the origin of each spirit and perfecting its unique character and flavor. Their potato vodka mash bill is made from three varieties of locally harvested potatoes along the Rio Grande: native Colorado Rio Grande Russet, Chepita, and Lady Claire. By distilling this bill once and committing to ‘never using neutral grain spirits or blending with base spirits from other distillers,’ each sip of this potato vodka is surprisingly smooth and complex.

Tasting Notes

On the nose are hints of baking spices, vanilla, and a subtle earthy sweetness. On the palette, black pepper, earthy tannins, and a hint of fruit. The texture, smooth and creamy, can be attributed to the high starch content of the potatoes. Distilled only once, this allows the vodka to retain the unique characteristics and flavor of the ingredients used in the mash bill. This vodka is easily enjoyed straight or on the rocks. I used it as the base of a vesper martini which paired excellently with the quinine-based Italian aperitif, Cocchi Americano, and a lemon peel.

Final Thoughts

With an impressive array of quality ingredients at their disposal, Woody Creek Distillers have expertly crafted a unique vodka that appeals to both new drinkers and seasoned connoisseurs. It is a refreshing sight – and sip – a vodka meant to be savored rather than hidden in a vat of jungle juice or drowned by a heavy pour of a generic mixer. Their singular distillation method embraces an artisanal approach, highlighting craftsmanship and ingredient quality over extensive processing.

This stands in stark contrast to many vodkas that undergo multiple rounds of distillation, sometimes as many as thirty-four or more. As a result, Woody Creek Vodka stands out as an authentic and refined spirit that deserves a place in any discerning drinker’s collection.

photo by Woody Creek

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Andrew Joseffer
Andrew Joseffer
is a Manhattan-based writer with over ten years of experience in the hospitality industry. He specializes in reviewing spirits, bars, and restaurants. In his free time, he enjoys reading, playing volleyball, and spearfishing when the weather allows.

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