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Tag: Rum

Hot Buttered Rum

It's like Liquid Christmas!


The Brancolada was one of the very best cocktails i had in 2019 and a definite highlight of my New York trip

Milk Punch

It Ain't The Holidays Without Milk Punch! Milk Punch is a precolonial Holiday Staple although it is very very popular, still, in New Orleans....

Song of the Siren

Today we make a tiki drink using ice from the Opal Machine. How's it gonna do? Song Of The Siren is a very satisfying...

Another Time

A very satisfying Daiquiri Variation from Attaboy Nashville This drink was created in 2018 by Attaboy (Nashville) bartender Riley Perrin and I must say it...

Bitter Mai Tai

When Tiki and Fall meet, this is what you get

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Lost Lake

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