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Tag: pineapple wedge


The Hoodwinked was created by Devon Espinoza at the Hotel Californian in Santa Barbara. It is essentially a Jungle Bird Riff and quite a...

Garret Richard’s Piña Colada

Garret Richard's Piña Colada 5 drops Saline Solution (80g water 20g salt)1/4 tsp Xanthan Gum1/2 oz Acidulated Pineapple Juice1 1/2 oz Coconut Syrup2 dashes...

Chartreuse Swizzle

Created by Marco Dionysos in 2003 after entering a Chartreuse cocktail competition which he was originally going to sit out. He reconsidered after the...

Caffeinated Surfer

The inspiration for this drink came from this amazing but unusual bag of coffee. I'm very into high-quality, usually single-origin coffee, almost always with...

Acid-Adjusted Pineapple Daiquiri

I came up with this after watching the video about acid-adjusted pineapple juice. The taste is reminiscent of the sour pineapple haribo gummy bear...

Garret Richard’s Hawaiian Mai Tai

Garret Richard's Hawaiian Mai Tai 1 1/2 oz Rum (Chairmans Reserve Saint Lucia Rum)3/4 oz Dark Jamaica Rum (Coruba Dark Jamaica Rum)1 tsp Grand Marnier1...

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Super Juice

Super Juice was created by bartender Nickle Morris owner...

Kola Sour

A delicious and unique Sour


A delightful coffee twist on the Jungle Bird Blackbird A nice...

Lost Lake

A fantastic Jungle Bird variation from Chicago's Paul McGee