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Tag: Passion Fruit Puree

Mezcal Mule

The Mezcal Mule was Created by Jim Meehan legendary bartender who co-created and previously co-owned PDT (Please Don’t Tell) in New York City.

Barfly Fassionola

Barfly Fassionola 500 g Pineapple Juice (Fresh)500 g Caster Sugar120 g Blueberries200 g Strawberries120 g Mango2 tbsp Guava Jelly (or 120g fresh Guava or papaya...

Monkey Pod Mai Tai

Today's Cocktail comes to us from The Monkeypod Kitchen in Maui Hawaii. It's a really inventive and delicious reconstruction of a Mai Tai and...

Li Ziqi Highball 李子柒 高杯

For the First time ever I make a cocktail completely on the fly For today's episode we partnered up with Wheatley Vodka to bring you...

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