Style: Artisan Wheat VodkaAge: UnagedProof: 80 (40% ABV)Region: Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
Horilka (Ukrainian: горілка) is a traditional Ukrainian alcoholic beverage with a rich history...
Style: Kentucky straight rye whiskeyAge: 10 yearsProof: 104 (52% ABV)Region: Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
Among the upper echelons of yearly whiskey releases, few are so hotly awaited as Wild Turkey’s annual...
Style: Straight rye whiskeyAge: 7 yearsProof: 120.48 (60.24% ABV)Region: Distilled in Indiana
Anyone who has spent much time in the whiskey community knows David Jennings. If not by name,...
Style: Kentucky Straight Rye WhiskeyAge: 4-6 yearsProof: 95 (47.5% ABV)Region: Owensboro, Kentucky
Green River is a name that’s been around in whiskey for quite some time. Originally founded in...