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Tag: Mezcal

King Of The House

After three years of following The Educated Barfly and experimenting, our dear reader, Philip Isles' own recipes, he has finally created one worth sharing....

Maximillian Affair

The Maximillian Affair was created by Boston bartender Misty Kalkofen around 2008 at the Green Street Bar in the neighboring City of Cambridge. This...

Del Maguey Vida Puebla

Del Maguey has just released their latest single village mezcal. This time, from Puebla.

Old Mexican Cough Syrup

Alvaro Gutierrez, our dear reader, representing Mexico and the versatility of its liquors when it comes to cocktail making. The flavor profile of this...

Mezcal Mule

The Mezcal Mule was Created by Jim Meehan legendary bartender who co-created and previously co-owned PDT (Please Don’t Tell) in New York City.

Oaxaca Old Fashioned

The Oaxaca Old Fashioned was created by bartender Phil Ward in the early days of Death & Company, probably around 2007. This was just...

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Kola Sour

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Lost Lake

A fantastic Jungle Bird variation from Chicago's Paul McGee