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Tag: highball


The Neruda was created by Marina Markovic for the bar at Lore in Brooklyn NYC. This is a very satisfying highball that’ll help you...

Kitty Highball

I've been thinking a lot about sustainability in cocktails lately, in fact it has been a huge conversation in the larger bar community in...

Kentucky Buck

The Kentucky Buck was created by bartender Erick Castro for Polite Provisions, the award winning bar in San Diego. There is an indication...

Rum & Cola

The Blacktail Rum and Cola is a masterful reconstruction of an iconic highball by one of the world's best bars.

Long Island Ice Tea

One of The Most popular cocktails in History!

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Super Juice

Super Juice was created by bartender Nickle Morris owner...

Kola Sour

A delicious and unique Sour


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Lost Lake

A fantastic Jungle Bird variation from Chicago's Paul McGee