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Tag: Ginger Syrup

Tom Kha-llins

Paul RK created this cocktail at home with the few ingredients he had on hand. He needed to use the rest of his Coco...

Hesperid’s Nectar

1st place in the /r/cocktails original cocktail competition for May 2022 where the required ingredients were gin & Irish cream. I'll admit that the...

Golden Gloves

The cocktail, aptly named the "Golden Smash," was a crowd-pleaser at David Boyle's wedding. Inspired by the classic Gold Rush and Whiskey Smash, the...

The Anise Kick

It can often be frustrating trying to make an Anise dominant drink (not including absinthe) when there are so few good recipes. So this...


This cocktail was created by Los Angeles Julian Cox for the restaurant Rivera. It was at this bar that Cox made a name for...

Pineapple Trainwreck

The Pineapple Trainwreck was a viewer request that we thought sounded like a damned good idea. And after tasting it, I'm happy to report...

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