Style: Single Marque Pot Still Jamaican RumAge: 25 yearsProof: 126 (63% ABV)Region: Jamaica
Jamaica’s Appleton Estate is one of the most recognizable names in rum and the distillery’s reputation...
Style: Reposado tequilaAge: 6 monthsProof: 80 (40% ABV)Region: Los Altos, Jalisco
The name Mayenda says quite a bit about this new brand’s approach to tequila. Mayenda is a portmanteau...
Style: Straight rye whiskeyAge: 7 yearsProof: 120.48 (60.24% ABV)Region: Distilled in Indiana
Anyone who has spent much time in the whiskey community knows David Jennings. If not by name,...
Style: Single pot still whiskey finished in Garryana oakAge: No age statementProof: 92 (46% ABV)Region: Midleton, County Cork, Ireland
Ireland’s historic Midleton distillery is home to some of the...