Style: Single Marque Pot Still Jamaican RumAge: 25 yearsProof: 126 (63% ABV)Region: Jamaica
Jamaica’s Appleton Estate is one of the most recognizable names in rum and the distillery’s reputation...
Style: Kentucky straight rye whiskeyAge: 10 yearsProof: 104 (52% ABV)Region: Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
Among the upper echelons of yearly whiskey releases, few are so hotly awaited as Wild Turkey’s annual...
Style: Column distilled, lightly aged rumAge: No age statementProof: 81.4 (41.2% ABV)Region: Dominican Republic
With 135 years of rum making history, Brugal is one of the oldest distilleries in...
Style: Straight Bourbon WhiskeyAge: 150 Months (12 years, 6 months)Proof: 100 (50% ABV)Region: Louisville, Kentucky
Enthusiasts of bourbon whiskey should all be aware of the fact that Old Forester...