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Tag: Bourbon

Buffalo Trace Experimental Peated

The legendary Buffalo Trace distillery dips their toes into peated barley for the latest experimental release.

Mr. Brown

Created by Clover Club bartender Franky Marshall around 2011. Close-ish to the revolver this old-fashioned variation is a perfect nightcap. And I hope against...

Rhum J.M. Terroir Volcanique

This island-aged rhum agricole is packed with complex flavor and nuance.

Daniel Weller Emmer Wheat

Buffalo Trace uses ancient grain to craft the newest addition to the Weller line

Gold Rush

The Gold Rush is what happens when you sub Bourbon for Gin in a bee's knees. Simple right? But the honey and the barrel...

Booker’s “Charlie’s Batch”

The first Booker's batch of 2023 has arrived. Is it worth picking up?

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Lost Lake

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