Style: Kentucky straight bourbon whiskeyAge: 7 years, 7 Months, 8 daysProof: 124.5 (62.25% ABV)Region: Clermont, Kentucky
Like every batch of Booker’s Bourbon, there's a story behind the Springfield Batch....
Style: Bottled-in-bond, Wheated Kentucky Straight Bourbon WhiskeyAge: 10 YearsProof: 100 (50% ABV)Region: Danville, Kentucky
Among the bourbon whiskey distilleries in Kentucky, Wilderness Trail is a bit of an outlier....
Ron del Barrilito Three Star
Proof: 86 (43% ABV)Age: 6-10 yearsNose: Vanilla, caramelPalate: Caramel, mango, banana, apricotFinish: Fruit juice, baking spice
Hacienda Santa Ana sits surrounded...