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The Greenhorn was Created by Bobby Huegel for Refugee in Houston Texas. Huegel is a bar owner who has been opening some of the most exciting concepts in Texas and he wasn’t one of these guys that came up in fancy bars with Startender Mentors. According to Difford’s Guide, he barely set foot in a cocktail bar until he opened his first one, Anvil Bar and Refuge in Houston. Now he runs a bar empire of some truly great bars. I saw the specs on this drink and I knew I needed to taste it. Midori and tequila? Yes please!

Greenhorn cocktail


Bobby Huegel
The Greenhorn was Created by Bobby Huegel for Refugee in Houston Texas.
No ratings yet
Servings 1 cocktail




  • Add all ingredients to a mixing glass.
  • Stir until sufficiently chilled.
  • Strain into a coupe or cocktail glass.
  • Garnish with Green Cherry.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword blanco tequila, Bobby Huegel, el Tesoro, Greenhorn, houston, maraschino cherry, midori, Refugee, suze, texas

Recommended Bar Tools:

Cocktail Tin
GE Ice Maker
Measuring Cup
Mixing Glass
Ice Scoop
Teardrop Bar Spoon
Bar Spoon
Fruit Juice Squeezer
Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail Mixing Glass Bar Starter Kit

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