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Tiki and Tropical

Mai Tai from The Nomad Hotel from Leo Robitscheck

Leo Robitscheck is the leader of the bar at the NOMAD Hotel which he has helmed in recent years to be one of the...

Martin Cate’s Mai Tai

Marin Cate needs no introduction. He is the founder/owner of Smuggler’s Cove (among other bars in the Bay Area and San Diego) who has...

Maison Premiere’s Mai Tai

Maison Premiere’s Mai Tai 1 oz Rhum Agricole (Amber )1/4 oz Blackstrap Rum1/4 oz Jamaica Rum (Overproof)1/2 oz Rum (Aged)1/2 oz Orange Liqueur3/4 oz Orgeat1...

Tonga Room Zombie

Zombie Tonga Room 1 oz White Rum.5 oz Don Q 151 Rum.5 oz Dark Jamaica Rum1 oz Lime Juice1 oz Passion Fruit Syrup.5 oz Pineapple...

Hot Zombie

Hot Zombie 2 oz Puerto Rican Gold Rum4 oz Hot Water1 oz Pineapple Juice.5 oz Lime Juice.5 oz Passionfruit Syrup1 tsp Brown SugarButterOptionalLemon Hart 151...

Popular recipes

Super Juice

Super Juice was created by bartender Nickle Morris owner...

Kola Sour

A delicious and unique Sour


A delightful coffee twist on the Jungle Bird Blackbird A nice...

Lost Lake

A fantastic Jungle Bird variation from Chicago's Paul McGee

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