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Reader Submitted

      The Spice Must Flow

      Dale Lucas created this in honor of the forthcoming Dune movie from Denis Villeneuve. He is a fantasy/sci fi nerd and author, but also...

      The Hawaii Blues

      What better way to say "I can't afford a trip to Hawaii" than with this sharp, tart twist on the Blue Hawaii. When I...

      If You Like Ube Coladas

      I wanted to do a fun riff on a Pina Colada with an Asian ingredient. Ube (pronounced like ooh bay) is a Filipino sweet...

      West India Sour

      In the past year I’ve gotten into cocktails and learnt a lot, in a big part thanks to your channel. I remember coming across...

      Soul so Dead

      An original cocktail I've recently jiggered. It's a bit of a Rob Roy meets an À La Louisianne, paying homage to Sir Walter Scott's...

      Popular recipes

      Super Juice

      Super Juice was created by bartender Nickle Morris owner...

      Kola Sour

      A delicious and unique Sour


      A delightful coffee twist on the Jungle Bird Blackbird A nice...

      Lost Lake

      A fantastic Jungle Bird variation from Chicago's Paul McGee

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