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Reader Submitted

Nordic Heather

This cocktail stemmed from being gifted a bottle of chai bitters from my dad. Straight away, I had a feeling that they would complement...


Green fairy came our to play during a crimson moon... I saw your cocktail with the cranberry juice cubes. Then I began adding things....

No True Scotsman

I took a DNA test and found out that I’m 55% Scottish. This drink combines my love for tropical cocktails with my heritage. And...

Pornographic Material

I needed to take the Pornstar Martini off the menu because it just gets in the way. I needed to come up with an...

The Anise Kick

It can often be frustrating trying to make an Anise dominant drink (not including absinthe) when there are so few good recipes. So this...

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Super Juice

Super Juice was created by bartender Nickle Morris owner...

Kola Sour

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A delightful coffee twist on the Jungle Bird Blackbird A nice...

Sea Salt Foam Margarita

A fun and creative twist on the Margarita Salt Sea...

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