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Reader Submitted

      Pesce Spada (Swordfish)

      I work in an Italian wine bar and whenever possible, I try to incorporate wine/Italian Liqueurs into my drinks whenever possible. I also have...

      Walk Without Rhythm

      My first attempt at a cocktail had to be Dune related both due to it being my favorite book series and with the new...

      Blue Hawai-Tai

      The Blue Hawaii and the Mai Tai had a baby. Blue Hawai-Tai 1 oz Jamaica Rum (White Overproof )½ oz Orange Liqueur (Blue Curacao)½ oz Light...

      Piedmont Sour

      A nutty twist on a New York Sour, highlighting some of the Piedmont region of Italy’s finest ingredients: Frangelico and Nebbiolo. Piedmont Sour 1½ oz. Any...

      Empty the Fridge

      Currently, Louisiana is facing a Category 4 Hurricane. While my area should not be too heavily impacted, after my first hurricane of the day...

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