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Monte Carlo

An Old Fashioned Variation First published in David A Embry’s The Fine Art Of Mixing Drinks in 1948. Monte Carlo An Old Fashioned Variation First published...

French 75

Possibly named after a WWI era gun that shot 75mm shells. This drink emerged around 1915 at Harry’s American Bar in Paris. French 75 Possibly named...

Champagne Cocktail

Champagne Cocktail 1 Sugar cube4 dashes Angostura BittersChampagne Fill champagne flutePut angostura on spoon soaking a sugar cube and drop in glassGarnish with a lemon twist...


First published in 1927 in Harry McElhone’s Barflies and Cocktails. It was the signature drink of Erskine Gwynne, expatriate writer, Socialite, and nephew of...

Jack Rose

A really nice fall sour featuring America’s first native distilled spirit. Jack Rose A really nice fall sour featuring America’s first native distilled spirit 2 oz Applejack3/4...

Popular recipes

Super Juice

Super Juice was created by bartender Nickle Morris owner...

Kola Sour

A delicious and unique Sour


A delightful coffee twist on the Jungle Bird Blackbird A nice...

Lost Lake

A fantastic Jungle Bird variation from Chicago's Paul McGee

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