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The Bartenders Guide to the Twentieth Century

The Bartender's Guide to the Twentieth Century Coming fresh off of my Corpse Reviver #2 comparison and heading into the icy winter months, I was...

The Open Story Of Uncle Nearest

Today is not about depleting old bottles but celebrating something relatively new that honors something very old. A story that was an open secret...

An Uneducated Barfly

Bartending is the best job in the world. Hands down. You get paid to have fun. Every night you are meeting new people from...

Correcting the Scofflaw

The Scofflaw is one of several classic rye whiskey cocktails to benefit from the cocktail revival of the early 2000s and the rye boom...

Stocking your Home Bar

Our best tips for stocking your home bar

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Kola Sour

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