Inspired by the iconic franchise series God Of War is the Blades of Chaos. Our dear reader, Jamie McCright created this cocktail to embody the fire of the blades and still provide a cool refreshing drink for hot summer days. It wasn’t created in a bar with centuries of history, but this cocktail is as craft and elegant as the very blades it is inspired by.
- 1 oz Grenadine
- 1 oz Ginger Beer
- 1 oz Peppermint Liqueur GoldShläger
- 3/4 oz Blackstrap Rum Cruzan or comparable
- 1 oz Apple Cider
- Mix each ingredient, even the ginger beer, into a shaker.
- Shake 8-10 times and pour over ice.
- Flame and garnish with an orange.
- Enjoy!
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