A Gin cocktail featuring Parfait Amor, from Tony Abou-Ganim, inspired by the secret cocktail society called the “international Bar Flies” or I.B.F., created by Harry McElhone at his bar Harry’s New York Bar in Paris.
Harry McElhone and an aquaintance of his by the name of Oscar Odd McIntyre (O.O. McIntyre) created the International Bar Flies in 1924. A fraternal organization devoted to “the uplift and downfall of serious drinkers.”
Over the years there has been over 130 Chapters of the I.B.F. around the world called “Fly Traps.”
Many famous characters have said to be members, including Ernest Hemmingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Franklin Roosevelt, Gene Kelly, Marlene Dietrich and many more.
- 1.5 oz Gin
- .75 oz Parfait Amour
- 1.5 oz Pineapple Juice
- .75 oz Lemon Juice
- .375 oz Simple Syrup
- Add ingredients to tin
- Add ice and shake 8-10 SecondsStrain into glass with ice
- Garnish with Lemon peel