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Age of Aquarius

The genesis of this cocktail is a mystery…

I have no idea where this drink came from, or where I got the recipe! I searched and searched and to no avail. I found that it possibly could have been created at a bar called Pink Panther in Montreal Canada but I searched the dark recesses of the intrawebs for evidence of a bar with this name and came up short. So if anyone from Montreal knows anything about this, throw down and I’ll update this description. Either way this is a highly pleasing Tiki facing Fix and you all should be drinking it! So go forth and conquer!

Age of Aquarius

5 from 2 votes




  • Add main ingredients to tin
  • Add shaking ice
  • Shake 8-10 seconds
  • Strain into glass
  • Add pebble ice with a snow cap
  • Float .5oz. (15ml) Campari on top
  • Garnish with fresh Mint Sprig
Keyword Mezcal

Here’s links to the tools I use in this episode:
Barfly Copper Measuring Cup
Barfly Shaking Set (Gold)
Barfly Hawthorn Strainer

If you guys want to check out our full amazon store you can do so here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/theeducatedbarfly

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