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Stirred on Third

Adam Bedard, the author of this cocktail, wishes it had an interesting backstory. However, in reality, he has just been watching a lot of Educated Barfly and Anders Erickson videos lately and figured he’d try his hand at an original cocktail. Born from a love of the Boulevardier, this cocktail is named after the street where Adam lives: Third Avenue.

Stirred on Third

Adam Bedard
5 from 1 vote
Servings 1 cocktail




  • Add all ingredients to mixing glass with ice.
  • Stir approximately 30 seconds.
  • Strain over large ice cube.
  • Express oil from lemon peel over the top.
  • Garnish.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword Adam bedard, Bourbon, Campari, Green Chartreuse, Lemon Peel, Reader Submitted, st. germain, Stirred on Third

Recommended Bar Tools:

Cocktail Tin
GE Ice Maker
Measuring Cup
Mixing Glass
Ice Scoop
Teardrop Bar Spoon
Bar Spoon
Fruit Juice Squeezer
Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail Mixing Glass Bar Starter Kit

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