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Amaro Caldo (Hot Amaro)

Obviously, a drink of Italian Origin is a great alternative to after-dinner tea. You can use any Amari you like but it’s particularly good with the Alpine variety of Amari which has many warming spices in their recipes that fit this template so well.

The history of this drink is as long as the history of Amaro itself.

Amaro (Hot Amaro)

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Servings 1 cocktail



  • Heat a cup by fillin it with hot water.
  • Let it sit.
  • Pour out the hot water.
  • Serve hot and enjoy!
Keyword amaro, hot amaro, hot water, water

Recommended Bar Tools:

Cocktail Tin
GE Ice Maker
Measuring Cup
Mixing Glass
Ice Scoop
Teardrop Bar Spoon
Bar Spoon
Fruit Juice Squeezer
Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail Mixing Glass Bar Starter Kit

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